How Can I Pay Someone to Do My Supply Chain Management Homework For Me?

My company, a manufacturing supply chain Management Company (MMC) out of North Palm Beach, Florida, wants me to do a “supply chain audit” on one of our products. We’ve used this product for several years and have had excellent customer service, cost-effectiveness, and safety for all of our customers. This product is used in the “production and warehousing” portion of our business. This means it goes through many steps before it ever makes it to our customers. The customer pays for the product when it’s manufactured and then pays us when it’s ready to be shipped.

There are several major elements of this supply chain management process and they are: vendor selection, order entry, order completion, and material shipping. This project is fairly straightforward, but we’ve been focusing on one aspect of it for quite some time. Why don’t we pay someone to do our supply chain management homework for us? How much does it cost? Here’s what we learned from an online search:

Companies pay up to $150 an hour for someone to do supply chain management for them. You can even find companies that will pay you in one lump sum for doing supply chain management for them on an hourly basis. This seems like such a small price to pay. In reality, we need to ask whether this is a one-time investment or if it’s a recurring cost. In most cases it’s a recurring cost because a company will continue to use your services once they’ve paid for them.

So how much should I pay for my own supply chain management consultant? This is something we’ll discuss in a moment. But first let’s review some of the other things that you can expect when you hire someone to do supply chain management for you. Some of these are:

First, they’ll review everything that your business needs to do to improve it. Then they’ll write you up with recommendations and “talks” about what has been working and what hasn’t. They may recommend cutting costs, reworking processes, or reorganizing. They’ll take the time to call you and get more information about your business than you probably need to know. Finally, they’ll work with you one-on-one to make sure that you understand what’s being said and get what you need in your business. All of this is done on a budget of course.

Now let’s look at how you might get this same value for a lower price. There are plenty of companies that will do the work for you but won’t charge you as much. One of the best ways to find a great outsourcing company is to ask people you know if they have anyone that they would recommend. You could also talk to your office manager or HR department. If they don’t have anyone who they can recommend then you should definitely ask around. Just be sure to keep your eyes open for the perfect person to do the job.

After you’ve found your perfect outsourcing company, you need to bring them into the picture. The most important thing is to get them to show up on time. Most of the time outsourcing companies will show up on time but some will show up just a few hours late. This is a huge factor in determining how quickly and accurately you’re going to get your supply chain management work completed. Having your work finished in a timely fashion is going to lead to better results and happier clients.

Hopefully this short article has given you some insight as to how you can use an outsourcing company to help with your supply chain management. If you aren’t familiar with what outsourcing companies do, there are quite a few of them out there so it shouldn’t be hard to find one to help you. Just make sure that you do your research before hiring anyone because you want to get the right person for the job.