Communication homework can be broken down into two main categories; personal essay or dissertations and scholarly articles or dissertations. In terms of personal essays, this can involve writing an essay on a specific topic that is relevant to your chosen area of study. For example, if a student wishes to achieve a phd in Education, they should read up on a variety of topics that pertain to the subject matter they wish to pursue as a phd student. Then they will compile a personal essay that is centered around their chosen topic. They should also research the different ways in which to present their essay.
A personal essay usually involves personal experiences that are researched and written about. It may also involve some research about the particular topic or discipline they choose to explore. Some common topics that may be covered include: their family and friends, high school and college experiences, work experiences, their work history, statistics, public speaking, their career goals, personal growth, or even a biography essay. After the essay is written, the student should edit and proofread it several times before submitting it for feedback.
Another form of homework is a scholarly article or dissertation. In a dissertation, students research and write an expository essay that addresses a specific, current, and historical topic that is relevant to their field of study. Students should proofread their works before submitting it and, if necessary, rewrite it from the very beginning to make sure they haven’t misspelled any words or omitted any crucial information. As with a narrative writing task, they should edit and proofread their essays before sending it to the appropriate review body.
Communication homework is often overlooked by students who are entering into the Ph.D. program. The essay introduction is perhaps the most important part of a written assignment, so students often overuse the essay introduction. One should not use the essay introduction as a review of the literature or as a review of one’s individual paper. Rather, the essay introduction should be used to engage the reader and initiate debate about the paper. After the introductory paragraph, the author should include a body of supporting evidence or argument that backs up his or her claims and positions and warrants discussion.
Communication homework often occurs when students choose different thesis and compare them using different methods or approach. Some students prefer to compare their arguments using a case-in-point format while others prefer a literature review approach. The only way to ensure a thorough evaluation of all thesis is to read all of the literature on the topic. If a student chooses to compare one issue to another without relying on the available literature, the results can be invalid and misleading. A thorough communication homework usually includes both an essay outline and a comparison essay format.
Communication homework is also often overlooked by Ph.D. students who are preparing to take their examination. They spend countless hours practicing what they will be required to demonstrate in a test the next day. Even if the student gets a perfect score on the last exam, what is gained is usually overshadowed by the fact that they did not spend enough time performing adequate preparation for the test. In a communication essay, the last part, the test part, is the best place to dig in and prepare properly for the next part – the demonstration. The essay thesis and comparison essay format should be used as a strong anchor to hold the rest of the essay together and provide the framework for the rest of the research.
As with all assignments, homework must be done in a controlled environment. It should not be the basis for the final grade. Doing the research and compiling the appropriate written materials should be the basis of any assignment and the format used should be consistent throughout the course of the assignment. For communication homework, the critical essay question, “Do Your Research”, is a standard question that will give all students a good idea of what to accomplish for their final writing project.
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