How to Do My Communication Homework (Dissertations and Essays)

Communication homework is the process of evaluating the information I convey in my written communication. As a Ph.D. student, I am required to write and submit a dissertation, a narrative essay, a personal essay, a journal article, and other prose documents. The amount of work involved is significant and requires intensive attention to detail and grammar. In addition to the physical effort of writing, it is important that one “think” through the ideas and arguments in order to understand and support them in an essay.

A common challenge for Ph.D. candidates is how to effectively present their ideas and arguments in written form. This is where the concept of the dissertation or thesis emerges. A thesis is an analysis or a conclusion about an issue, idea, or a pattern of behavior that is supported by evidence. Depending on the topic of the dissertation, a thesis can be lengthy and complex, even academic in nature.

A phd thesis is different from a regular essay. For one, the length is limited to about three hundred to five hundred words. Furthermore, it cannot contain personal pronouns like “I”, “We”, “My”, “mine”, “our”, and similar constructs. Also, it cannot be based on a previously published work, except in the case of a research paper, where this can be used as a citation. In short, it limits the use of quotations and personal pronouns.

Communication homework includes the act of reading, listening, and analyzing written materials. When I read a piece of literature, I do my best to determine its purpose, its audience, and its relevance to my area of study. I also try to determine the style and structure of the piece. I analyze how it composes, its vocabulary and grammatical structures, its thesis and implications, and its ending.

Then I do my homework by reading related literature and engaging with the work. I review my notes and determine if I liked the literature, and if my learning was enriched. I make my own interpretation of the literary elements. If my essay writing is rigorous, I might cite specific works or sources as references or an essay introduction.

On the other hand, I also do my homework by writing short narrative essays and conducting myself as a character in the literature. I read the same work through from beginning to end, and attempt to evaluate its message, main point, and relevance to my own work. This is why it is important to do my research before choosing a particular work or essay topics. The Internet provides hundreds of credible essay examples, which I utilize in my own essays and dissertations.

I encourage all university students to do their research and preparation. Doing my research saves me time, money, and ultimately ensures that my students are able to do their own due diligence and come up with original and quality research papers. By doing my homework, students are more aware of what they should be writing about when it comes to a particular topic. They become more equipped to analyze their own and other students’ written materials.

I encourage all university students to write extensively on numerous topic areas in their chosen academic discipline, whether these be grammar, composition, reading, writing, etc. By thinking critically, analyzing different written works, and engaging with and composing original essays, students will develop a better understanding of how language works, how to express their ideas and their concerns, and how to present their work. They will become better writers and communicators. They will also better understand how to conduct themselves in the best possible academic environments.

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