How to Pay Someone to Take My Architecture Quiz For Me

To be perfectly honest, I never thought about paying someone to take my architecture quiz for me. I’m pretty sure I’d just wind up wasting my money, but when I was offered the opportunity to get an “intellectual” essay written by a professional writer, I jumped at the chance. After all, I am quite certain that, given the choice, I would rather read an essay than have to listen to someone talk at me about it. (In fact, if I had to choose between reading and having to listen to someone talk, I would choose to read.)

Now, let’s put some context into the “how much” question. As it turns out, paying someone to take my architecture quiz for me is pretty much an ethical way of getting my questions answered. Not only is it less expensive than taking an academic advisor to answer the same questions, but professional essay writing services are generally not allowed to give me biased or personal information about my school, professors, and/or career in any way. They are also not allowed to make statements about my work or my abilities based on mere hearsay or “tips.”

When I took the questions, I did so because it was a smart move on my part. After all, it was easy: I just wanted to know what the “real” questions were. In my mind, if these professionals really did give sincere answers, they would probably be pretty honest with me, too. And honestly, when I heard some of their suggestions, I felt pretty good about the architectural field in general. I appreciated the chance to feel part of the conversation.

However, now that I’ve gotten my “professional” architect answering service to take my questions, I am not entirely pleased. I feel like I’m being taken for a ride. It feels like they’re more concerned with lining their own pockets with the fee I’m paying them than giving true professional service. And it certainly feels like a sham.

Here’s what happened: I asked for specific questions to be asked, not general questions. My architect answering service called and spoke with my architect immediately, explaining that he would be “available” that afternoon to take my questions. Then he showed up only after I had spent several minutes asking my own questions. He gave me his card, told me he was “Available” for a brief moment, and walked off without offering any advice or information. I feel cheated, and not a little disappointed that my questions were taken away from me by an architect who didn’t deserve to receive compensation for his time.

What can you do to make sure that your professional indemnity insurance broker is working for you? The most important thing you can do is ask for his advice, recommendations, and contact information in the beginning. Don’t let him “shop around” for the best price. Make sure that the broker you choose has dealt with several contractors before. Look for reviews online or from other professionals, such as the National Association of Home Builders.

Are there other questions you need answered? Sure. If you know anything about the architectural field (you’re a practicing architect, if you’re not) or if you’re getting a professional referral (for example, your friend’s husband told you he was happy with his roofing contractor), ask your professional indemnity agent for their advice and contacts. They’ll be happy to help you find the right contractor for your project and get you started on the right foot. Ask your questions when you’re not anxious to speak with anyone, because chances are, you’re already uncomfortable with your contractor and want to be clear about what you want and what you don’t want.

Is it illegal to hire an architect to take these questions for me? As long as the questions relate to your specific project and to your professional obligations as an architect, they’re perfectly acceptable. You probably won’t be asked to take a pre-determined number of them, either. Usually, though, you’ll be asked to complete a short questionnaire about your professional experience, your relationship with the architect you’ve hired, and any other questions you might have about the project in question. Your professional indemnity agent can tell you whether or not you’re legally permitted to solicit architects to take architectural quizzes for your clients.