Take My Business and the Governance of Cyberspace Quiz For Me

“Do you want to take my business and the governance of cyberspace quiz for me?” My co-worker asked, as he perused the recent cybercrime reporting in CNN. He was referring to an article by CNN investigative reporter Kat Carney which explained that hackers had penetrated the internal networks of two U.S. government agencies. The news report focused on how hackers gained access to the National Security Agency’s database. The database held records of all communications inside the United States, including private communication between private citizens. It also included a classified NSA guide on how the hacking occurred.

A number of things were quickly evident. Government agencies and private commercial interests have become deeply dependent on one another for their respective operations and activities in cyberspace. They are literally intertwined. As a consequence, the governance of cyberspace must be examined closely in order to prevent organizations from being caught off guard and from responding too slowly to emerging threats.

The question to ask yourself, then, is this? Can any government, regardless of its size and reach to be trusted with the information that it collects about the private lives of millions of Americans? The answer would certainly have a negative connotation if anyone other than the U.S. House of Representatives were to discover such information. Would we allow the executive branch to invade our privacy and steal the information that they so dearly need?

I am certainly not a paranoid type person. In fact, I tend to think the most prudent and sensible people on Earth are totally paranoid because most of the information that they collect goes unknown until it reaches someone in a position to make a decision about it. Is it really any different when it comes to the cyber-spying that is conducted by the U.S. government, our military, law enforcement agencies, private commercial interests, and even “good old boys” (pedophiles, etc.)?”

No, I do not think so. Of course, there may be individuals who want to take my business away from me through some kind of cyber-stalking or cyber-striking, but it is not likely. At best, it is somebody who is simply seeking information about me and my business. If that happens, however, what would happen next?

I would seek out more information about the cyber-stalking individual. Maybe he or she is simply trying to obtain employment or get into a dating relationship. Maybe he or she is a scam artist trying to capitalize on the lack of knowledge about the Internet and social networks. I would also look into the legal ramifications of cyber stalking, which often involves threatening, intimidating, or even criminal behavior directed at you, your family, or your friends.

Once you know all of the reasons why it would be in your best interest to take my business and the governance of cyberspace quiz for me, you can start planning how you would like to proceed in terms of cyber-stalking or cyber-striking. You could look up information on some of the groups that might have an interest in cyber-striking or cyber-swearing you. These groups include: gangs, skinheads, Neo-Nazis, pirates, terrorists, organized crime syndicates, Internet fraudsters, teenage Internet stalkers, adult collectors, and hackers who target personal computers.

If you are planning to take my business and the governance of cyberspace quiz for me, the only way to make a good impression on me is to avoid any kind of hokey or ridiculous Internet marketing strategies. This means that you must stay away from using flashing logos, freebies, catch phrases, or funny images. Also avoid using language that may be considered racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive. And above all else, do not take this opportunity to promote your business.

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