Take My Globalization Open Innovation And Crowdsourcing Strategy Into Your Business

Two weeks ago, I took a look at how to do my University exams in Open Source. In this piece I will take a look at how to do my Globalization examination. There are two main strands of thought on how to do this and they have been discussed at length online, but what does it all mean? Is it important to learn how to use Open Source software to do your globes? And can we rely on the global community to solve these problems and improve the world as we know it?

Crowdsourcing is a concept that was introduced with the birth of the Internet. With the popularity of online forums, discussion groups and social networks came a need for a quick way to gather large amounts of data, often in the form of ‘notifications’. Software developers realized that it was now possible to reach out to the large group of users directly via their favorite method – by sending a message. The first Crowdsourced Innovation Platform was Open Source. Today there are dozens of similar applications – from Kickoff to Zen Cart – that allow businesses to collaborate on projects without needing any knowledge of programming.

Open source innovation platforms provide a great resource for research and development. With little effort, anyone can develop applications that other like-minded innovators will want to tap into. The cost of investment is low. No licensing fees to consider. And you don’t have to worry about having to stick with one particular platform as your business develops and expands.

As with any new trend, there are plenty of myths out there about how to do my globalization exam. My main focus is on how important it is to the success of your company to make sure you have access to affordable tools to help you innovate and develop new ideas. We all know that the best ideas are those that are not patented. We also know that in order to get our proprietary ideas patented we have to hire patent attorneys – which costs money and makes it very difficult to take my globalization challenge.

Globalization has been transforming business practices for years. Just recently, Amazon made news when it revealed its plan to use its website as a platform for all of its retailing activities. Amazon’s strategy is quite clever. By tapping into the massive crowdsourced innovation process that occurs throughout the world, they are taking advantage of exactly what the free flow of innovation with crowd sourced innovation provides: a way to make the best use of innovative ideas without having to spend big on legal expenses or hiring the services of patent attorneys.

Now let’s take a look at how this type of thinking can apply to you. Perhaps you are a small business owner trying to determine how best to leverage the innovations that open innovation and crowdsourcing bring. As with Amazon, perhaps your goal is to find a way to leverage crowdsourced innovation while minimizing your legal expenses and your time investment relative to your rivals. You may be interested in this, take my globalization solution:

Crowdsourcing innovation doesn’t require expensive patent attorneys. These innovators are part-timers-part-akers. They are not working for the big corporate companies, but instead, they are building businesses from home or using crowdsourced innovation to build sustainable businesses in countries like China where it is allowed and cheap to develop. These businesses are usually on the cutting edge of new technologies, and as a small business, you wouldn’t even need a whole team of patent attorneys if you could locate some innovative products or services to market. All you would need is a crowdsourced innovation platform.

That’s right. Crowdsourcing allows groups of people to come together online via an online marketplace and create innovative solutions to real-world problems, often at an affordable cost to the group as a whole. While the solution may be unique, the technology is available to anyone with access to the internet and a creative streak. So, why shouldn’t you take my globalization open innovation and crowdsourcing strategy into your business? It just makes sense.